Membership & Certification Information

  • Join the Rocky Mountain Division and the PSIA-AASI National Organization by paying the annual dues
  • Members without certification are referred to as “Registered Members”
  • Membership must be current in order to attend any events through PSIA-AASI Rocky Mountain
  • Members can attend events under the age of 16 but will not be awarded any certification until they turn 16


Adaptive Alpine Level 1 Certification


Adaptive Alpine Level 2 Certification

Additional Options:

Members can receive an Adaptive Alpine Level 2 Specialist designation by completing all six of the Level II Adaptive Modules and their Alpine Level 2 MA & Ski Assessment Days.

Members can also move vertically through the Adaptive Alpine process, for example: a member can achieve Adaptive Alpine Level I in a Bi-Ski/Mono-Ski, then attend the Mono-Ski Level II Specialty Module to become Adaptive Alpine Mono-Ski Level 2 Specialist, then pass Alpine Level 2 and then attend the Adaptive Alpine Mono-Ski Level III Specialty Module (without holding Adaptive Alpine Level 2 Certification) to become Adaptive Alpine Mono-Ski Level 3 Specialist. Click here to view a flow chart of this and follow the pink arrows. 

Adaptive Alpine Level 3 Certification


Adaptive Alpine Trainer Pathway

**For Adaptive Alpine Trainer it is strongly suggested that candidates possess:

    • Alpine Level 2 certification
    • Have at least 25 verifiable hours as a clinic leader.
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