Membership Status
Instructor is teaching full or part-time during a season
Annual membership dues for current members are required and are due on or before June 30 every year. $150 is the dues fee for membership in both Rocky Mountain Division and National organization of PSIA-AASI
- 12 hours (2 days) of educational clinics are required every other year for certified instructors. Each clinic day constitutes six hours of clinic credit. You may also take a one-day clinic every year, for six credit hours each year
Inactive status is not a voluntary status – this is a status Active members are moved to if they are delinquent in the CEU requirements.
Members will remain Inactive until they catch up on all CEU’s due for that season, at which point their status will move back to active.
- Members will remain Inactive for a period of 4 seasons, if they have still not attained the required CEU’s, they will be automatically moved to Alumni status
Must be at least 75 years of age
Must have at least 10 years of membership in PSIA-RM
Annual divisional dues payment are $20 less than active status
- Senior members are still required to meet the educational credit requirements
Instructor is not teaching, not planning to return to teaching
Must submit a request for status change
Must have at least 6 years of membership in PSIA-AASI
Annual regional dues payment of $35 and National dues payment of $41 required
- Alumni members are not required to meet the educational credit requirements, and certifications are expired
Must complete the reinstatement program if alumni members wish to move back to active status